Why do some people misrepresent themselves on dating apps?

02 décembre, 2022

Steve Mbenoun

In an increasingly modern world where everyone is running without ever slowing the pace, it becomes more and more difficult to shift our focus on things that, in normal times, would be considered basic needs. By dint of being in perpetual search of personal achievement and success, often times we come to put aside that in order to thrive in society we need to socialize well, to build a support system we can rely upon from time to time to recharge our batteries emotionally.
With globalization and the rise of the Internet, has completely changed the way we interact, affecting the very nature of our communication with others. It’s now possible to travel and meet people from the comfort of our sofa with a simple swipe. If opening to the world is made much easier today, making friends has become more obvious as has dating with the phenomenon of online dating.
Dating apps have become more and more popular recently, experts estimating that there will be more than 400 million dating apps users in 2022 alone, an already-staggering number that will probably surpass this predictions for various reasons for the forthcoming years.

400 million dating apps users in 2022

Mainly, these applications offer a greater freedom in the approach as well as in their options. For starters, it is made easier to introduce yourself this way than to approach a stranger in the street if you are from a certain class, then, start a conversation with a person not in front of you may be convenient to many because you are less destabilized if you are, say, an introvert, and finally if you are not that interested anymore with the person you’ve been chatting with, moving on just comes from expressing it to them and blocking them without the fear of them stalking or harrassing you.
Online dating is especially a good alternative to the many worries of availability that can arise when you have to set up an outing ritual – in your already-busy schedule – to meet potential matches physically. Remember those speed dating events that you can attend only at a specific date, once a month? In this order, one won’t need to trade their occupations time for their leisure time when from their phone they can swipe, chat and agree with a counterpart to a rendez-vous in a café or a restaurant for lunch during weekdays.

Besides, the different features offered by dating applications are always more ingenious : for instance the option to be visible only to those you accept the likes of, or the ability to avoid any undesired encounters with someone from your contact list.
The advantages of dating are numerous and they outright bring a plus by standing out from the traditional way of dating. Many solid couples have even formed via these apps and are living exciting stories. However, like any phenomenon, online dating has its own drifts that can lead to invalidate it as a proper way to build relationships. This is why it is important to master the codes of dating to ensure a unique experience.

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